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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  1. The responsibility of the company "The company" refers to PILOT VIEW TECHNOLOGY LIMITED. According to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the company provides you (the "user") with a login name and password to use the PILOT VIEW service, and has the right to take any of the following actions without restrictions: (i) with or without notification to the user Stop PILOT VIEW service in order to carry out system maintenance, upgrade, test and/or repair; (ii) With or without notice to the user, if the company deems it appropriate, it may restrict or suspend the user’s use of PILOT VIEW service The user uses the PILOT VIEW service; (iii) Taking or not taking any action to expand, reduce, or revise the user and the company believes that it is related to the company’s business and the management and operation of the PILOT VIEW service for any reason , Suspend, restrict, disable or negatively affect any "service" (refers to any service obtained through the PILOT VIEW service or through the login name and password provided by the company, regardless of whether the service is provided by the company or a third party) or Any part of it, or any "content" (refers to any still pictures or other moving images, whether they can be produced in animation or other forms, music videos, music, voices, data, data/or other available through PILOT VIEW services or Materials, goods or services obtained through the login name and password provided by the company, regardless of whether the service is provided by the company or a third party) or any part of it, or steps that have a negative impact; and charge new fees and revise any fees payable , Amend the provisions of this agreement and/or any operating rules for managing users to use PILOT VIEW services, and (a) post the notice of the amendment on the website; and/or (b) by mail or by the company Other methods of decision are sent to the user about the notice of the amendment, but the amendment will take effect seven days after the notice is posted on the website and/or the date specified on the notice. Without limiting any other terms of this agreement, the company expressly stated that any liability, whether directly or indirectly caused by the company's exercise of any rights uploaded in this agreement, is not responsible for the company.

  2. Responsibilities of the user User (i) The login name provided to the user and any designated user (referring to those users who specify another set of login names and passwords on the application form for the use of PILOT VIEW services) login name Use PILOT VIEW service, service or content with password and password, you must bear absolute and full responsibility. The user agrees that any such use will be regarded as the user's use; (ii) shall not copy, distribute, publish, transmit, upload, download or otherwise utilize any content; unless the user owns the content or holds the appropriate permission; (iii) Do not use the PILOT VIEW service to publish, distribute, transmit or circulate any unsolicited materials, information or content (whether for publicity or promotion or other forms of use) or any obscene, indecent, inflammatory, or offensive Content that is sexual, defamatory, intimidating, racially hatred, discriminatory, intimidating, or in violation of confidentiality principles; (iv) Do not enter, break into, enter or use any part of the PILOT VIEW service in any unauthorized way The copy, content and/or any data area and/or any access to the company’s server without the authorization of the company; (v) Do not enter, break into, enter, use or attempt to enter, break into, enter or use any Any part of the third-party website, its content and/or any data area of ​​any third-party server that is not authorized by the user; (vi) shall not store or upload any data in any storage space designated by the company’s server for the user to use. Tools, software or materials that can be used for any illegal or illegal purpose under the company’s sole discretion; (vii) ensure that each designated user abides by these terms and conditions; (viii) use PILOT VIEW Comply with all relevant Hong Kong laws and any code of practice as amended from time to time during the service; (ix) Except under any other terms in this agreement, no part or all of any user under this agreement may be assigned, transferred, or sublicensed. Rights and responsibilities; (x) Any content uploaded to the PILOT VIEW service is deemed to be an irrevocable and continuous perpetual license given to the company by the user, and the company is free to copy, distribute, publish and transmit for the operation of the PILOT VIEW service. This content, unless otherwise agreed by the user and the company in other forms; (xi) Protect the user's login name and password to ensure that the information will not be leaked or given to any other person and ensure that any designated user logs in for it The name and password are used as protection measures and to ensure that the information will not be leaked or given to any other person; and (xii) will only use the PILOT VIEW service for personal and non-commercial, resale, profit-making or business purposes. User confirmation (i) guarantee that you are over 18 years old, and agree to supervise the use of PILOT VIEW services by persons under the age of 18; PILOT VIEW service supply device (refers to the company placed at the user’s premises to connect to provide PILOT VIEW services and the user’s personal computer, Any theft, loss and/or damage caused; and (iii) the user or any designated user violates or fails to abide by any of the terms of this agreement, resulting in litigation, legal liability, expense, claim, loss, damage, legal If the company requires the user to provide data for the establishment of personal data (personal data referred to in the Personal Data (Privacy) Regulations), the user can refuse to provide it, but this The company may therefore refuse to provide PILOT VIEW services to users. The user agrees that the company may use the personal data for all or part of the following purposes: (a) Provide users with PILOT VIEW services (including when it is necessary to provide PILOT VIEW services) Transfer the personal data to other telecommunications network providers or third parties) and/or transfer such personal data to the related company when providing services to the related company (refers to any other direct or indirect control of the company, controlled by the company, Or an entity under common control with the company); (b) Check (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) that the personal data is related to the provision of PILOT VIEW services from other purposes or sources (including third parties) Information obtained; (c) Promote products and/or services related to PILOT VIEW services or services provided by related companies provided by the company, its agents, affiliated companies or affiliated companies; (d) ) Improve products and/or services related to PILOT VIEW services or products and/or services related to services provided by affiliated companies; (e) handle any benefits related to PILOT VIEW services or arising from PILOT VIEW services; (f) Analyze, prove and/or check the user’s credit, payment and/or other conditions related to the PILOT VIEW service; (g) process any user request or payment instruction, direct debit and/or credit service related to the PILOT VIEW service ; (H) Dealing with the daily operation of the user’s account in the company or its affiliates and/or receiving PILOT VIEW services, content, or any overdue unpaid amounts of products and services provided by the company’s affiliates or related to the above products and Other unpaid amounts related to the service (including the possibility of disclosing your personal information to the debt collection service company); (i) enabling the company to comply with the company’s interconnection obligations or other industry regulations; (j) letting users know about this Other services provided by the company; (k) prevention or investigation of crimes; (l) disclosure as required by law; and (m) any other mutually agreed purposes. The user agrees to associate with the company in Hong Kong or outside Hong Kong Company, agency, contract Business, telecommunications operators, any other third parties, including debt collection agencies, credit record agencies, loan service providers or other financial institutions, and any actual or proposed transferee or transferee of the company’s rights regarding users Or transfer the user’s personal data. Such persons may use, disclose, maintain, process, store or transfer the personal data for the purposes listed in this paragraph. The user must notify the company as soon as practicable of any changes to the address, vehicle or other information that affect the company's provision of PILOT VIEW service to the user. Under the reasonable request of the company, the user must provide the company with information about the user and the user’s use of the vehicle under the following circumstances: (a) to assist the company in complying with any applicable laws; (b) report to any government department Compliance with these responsibilities; (c) Assess whether the user has and can continue to comply with all the responsibilities of the user under this agreement. If the user does not provide this information to the company within two business days, the user authorizes the company and the company’s authorized representative during the validity period of this agreement and three months after the termination of this agreement, and after giving reasonable notice , During office hours, enter the vehicle owned or occupied by the user to obtain any information required by this paragraph. The user confirms and agrees that the company can check the storage space assigned to the user by the company's server to perform the following actions when required by law or if the company has good faith reasons to believe that it is necessary: ​​(i) execute the terms of this agreement; (ii) Responding to third party claims against users or any designated users for infringement of the rights of third parties (the use of which is illegal or improper) due to their use of the PILOT VIEW service.

  3. Payment method The company will send a monthly bill to the user. The bill lists all the fees related to the user's use of the PILOT VIEW service or any content (refers to the hardware (the hardware specified in the application form to be provided to the user for the use of the PILOT VIEW service) Purchase fees, software (provided to users to use PILOT VIEW service software license fees, installation fees, monthly service fees, storage fees, content fees and other related fees and expenses). The fee will be calculated based on the data recorded or recorded by the company or its affiliates, rather than any data recorded or recorded by the customer. The records held by the company and the recording procedures used will be irrefutable evidence of PILOT VIEW service usage and customer payable charges. The PILOT VIEW service usage fee will be calculated based on the measurement unit used by the company from time to time for the service. If the user pays the additional handling fee specified in the application form, the company can provide the user with a copy of the bill. Unless otherwise specified, all service fees are paid in advance each month. The user agrees to use the payment method selected by the user on the application to pay the bill in full before the deadline specified in the bill. The user hereby authorizes the company to collect the full amount of the bill from the user’s credit card or debit card at any time before the bill payment deadline, and the authorization will continue to be valid after the expiration of any such bank card (if the user is not a card holder) The user agrees to obtain the authorization from the cardholder). Regardless of the suspension of the service and/or PILOT VIEW service, the user is still responsible for paying the fees during the suspension of the service and/or PILOT VIEW service until the service and/or PILOT VIEW service is terminated or resumed (as the case may be). If there is a dispute on the bill, regardless of whether there is a conflict with the terms of the bank credit card agreement, the user must file an objection within 30 days from the date of the bill. Please note that the PILOT VIEW service is "interrupted" or suspended at any time, and users will not receive credit or refunds. If the user still fails to pay the amount on the bill on the due payment date, the company reserves the right to (i) change the number of bills sent at any time without prior explanation; (ii) issue the accumulative fees that are due and payable Temporary bill; (iii) If any bill is found to be wrong, reissue the bill; and develop the bill to the user through the billing agent or any of the company’s affiliates; (iv) use a monthly interest rate of 2% for unpaid bills Interest is charged on the payment until the bill is fully paid; and the user is charged a handling fee, debt collection service company fee, reconnection and/or before the user pays the amount if the PILOT VIEW service has been suspended or terminated Deposit; (v) If the user has more than one account in the company, the balance or owed amount in any account of the user can be transferred to repay the user's overdue payment in any other account of the company, regardless of whether the account is Has been terminated or suspended. The user confirms that even if the company acts as the agent of the third-party supplier of the content and sends a bill to the user, the company is not the supplier of the content.

  4. To the extent permitted by law, the company clearly stated that it will not be liable for the following: (i) the user's use of PILOT VIEW services, software, hardware, services and/or any content causes any data damage or loss, (ii) According to contract law, tort law or other reasons, for any loss of profit (whether direct or indirect), loss of profit or any corresponding loss, regardless of whether it is of an economic nature or not, the claim is made; (iii) the user or any person who uses the user The login name and password are caused by the use of PILOT VIEW service, service supply device, any service or through PILOT VIEW service, whether direct or indirect death, injury, infection, disease onset or loss of consciousness; and any reason beyond the reasonable control of the company The PILOT VIEW service or part of it is interrupted or suspended under certain circumstances or circumstances.

  5. The customer is responsible for keeping the equipment in good operation at all times and ensuring that the equipment is operating normally. The company will not cause any economic or non-economic loss due to equipment damage or failure, and bear any responsibility and make compensation, regardless of whether it is hardware or software. Our company will not be responsible for any failures, but our company will ensure that the service can be provided continuously. We will arrange repairs as soon as possible within an appropriate time according to the maintenance procedures on the contract so that the service will return to normal.

  6. Termination of the agreement The company can give the user at least one calendar month's notice to terminate this agreement at any time; and if the user violates any clause of the agreement, the company can give the user immediate notice to terminate the agreement. Users can give no less than one calendar month's written notice to the company to terminate the agreement. This agreement will be automatically terminated under the following circumstances (i) if the user does not sign the software and hardware installation authorization in accordance with the terms; or if any software or hardware installation cannot be performed for any reason. The user may not be able to relocate or relocate the PILOT VIEW service; the company can terminate the PILOT VIEW service ordered by the user without being liable to the user. The user must pay the company (i) installation fee and (ii) the total monthly fee from the termination date to the expiration of the contract period.

  7. The result of the termination of this agreement When this agreement is terminated (i) all the licenses, rights and benefits granted to the user under the terms of this agreement will be terminated; and (ii) when the user promptly returns the service supply device in good condition and tidy to this agreement The company, the company will return any deposit to the user (deduct any unpaid expenses and any loss or damage (if any) caused by the company when the user uses the service supply device). In any case, users shall not be entitled to any refund of fees, any deposit interest or any proportional monthly service fee. Any termination of this agreement does not affect any of the accrued rights or responsibilities of the parties, nor does it affect any provisions of this agreement that will or continue to be implemented. The provisions of this agreement are intended to be used when the agreement is terminated or after the termination of the real estate. Or continue to work.

  8. General terms The company may at any time appoint an agent, transfer or subcontract all or part of the company's rights and/or legal responsibilities under this agreement to any person. The English version of these terms and conditions shall prevail, and the Chinese version (if any) is for reference only. If the terms or conditions of this agreement become or are declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the relevant terms or conditions shall be separated from this agreement and treated as deleted from this agreement. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and both parties hereby agree to accept the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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