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Privacy & Policy

Privacy Policy


Products and services described herein are not available to all persons in all geographic locations. Only persons who are permitted by applicable law may browse the information and/or accept the services and product offered on this website. Persons accessing these pages are required to ensure that they are aware of and observe all relevant restrictions that apply to them and are responsible for satisfying themselves that they may do so under the laws or the jurisdiction from which access is obtained to this site.

  • The information contained on this website is for general information only and is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind and may be changed at any time without prior notice.

  • No information contained in this website should be regarded as an offer to sell, to subscribe to, or provide any recommendation to any browser. Browsers should consult their own professional adviser before making any investment, financial decision or purchasing any product.

  • To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Company disclaims liability for any error, omissions or inaccuracies in the information and material provided on this website and for any loss or damages incidental or consequential, resulting from its use or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any error, interruption, delay in operation or incomplete transmission, line or system failure.

  • All materials on this website are protected by copyright. All copyright and other intellectual property rights of any nature in or relating to our services, website, materials or documentation vest in us or are held by our group companies. No permission or license is granted to use (including without limitation to modify, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any format) or reference the company name, business name, brand name, logos, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any nature owned by or licensed to us or our group companies without the prior written consent of us or the group companies concerned.

  • Use of hyperlinks to other internet sites or resources are at the browser's own risks. The Company expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or availability of the information provided by those sites or for the safety of information which the browser may provide to any third party.

  • By using this website, the viewer agrees to be bound by the content of this disclaimer as it may be amended by the Company from time to time and posted on this website.

The term "the Company" used in the above disclaimer refers to Pilot View Technology Limited.


Collection of Information

  • The Company will record the information of visitors visiting the Company's Website through the web server access log (including the clicking date and time, IP address,  pages clicked, browser type, device, operating system ). The Company might use the visitors’ record (and may combine with other personal information of the visitors) for the purposes of improving the operation of this website, statistical analysis and marketing. The Company will keep the relevant information for an appropriate period of time based on the actual needs. The Company’s web server access log will record the visitors’ information automatically by default.  By continuing browsing the Company’s Website, visitors are deemed to have given their consent for the Company to store, use and transfer the information in the above manner.

  • The Company may use technologies such as spotlight tags, web beacons and cookies, etc. to research certain usage and activities on parts of the Company’s Website on behalf of the Company. The information collected through these technologies and applications are used to find out more about our visitors, including visitor demographics, behavior and usage patterns, for more accurate reporting and to improve the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns to visitors. Information recorded through the use of these devices are aggregated. However, no personally identifiable information about visitors is collected or shared by our Company as a result of this research and no visitors’ personal data is stored. Should visitors wish not to be tracked by cookies associated with these technologies such as spotlight tags and web beacons and applications such as Sizmek, Bing, DoubleClick Bid Manager/ Google Adwords, Facebook, WebTrends, Yahoo, theTradeDesk and Adobe, etc., visitors may do so by changing the setting on visitors’ browser. No personally identifiable information about visitors is collected or shared by the above listed technologies and applications with the Company as a result of this research.

  • Some additional information may be gathered through the use of "cookies". Cookies are small bits of information that are automatically stored in the web browser in a visitor's computer that can be retrieved by this site. Only anonymous visitor's information will be collected by cookies and no visitor’s personal data is stored.

  • For Web Site and Mobile Apps services, a cookie with a unique identifier assigned by the Company will be stored in the visitor’s web browser(s) throughout the session after login. It is a common practice to enhance the Internet Banking or Mobile Banking experience. If the cookies are not used, visitors might need to provide login credentials (user ID and password) repeatedly when accessing each new page of the Web page or Mobile Apps services. Cookies will be expired upon logging off.

  • Should visitors wish to disable these cookies, they may do so by changing the setting of their browsers. However, visitors will then not be able to log into our Internet Banking and Mobile Banking services.

  • The Company respects personal data privacy and commits to observe the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

The term "the Company" used in the above disclaimer refers to Pilot View Technology Limited.

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